Wednesday, July 27, 2011

pedal to the metal.

i went on a cruise around my neighborhood before on my bike (which everyone should try and do once a week), and i see a guy on a motorcycle coming my way. i don't know why i thought this, but i wondered if he was going to say hello to me. as we passed each other, we did a simultaneous nod and smile. i feel as though i have tapped into some type of biker code.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

in hiding.

there's just something that i love about boys with hats/messy hair and wayfarers. not quite sure what it is.

Monday, July 18, 2011

awake my soul.

i love throwing things away. when i clean, i literally take everything, analyze if i've used it in the past 10 years/will use it, and then throw it out or put it away respectively. my mom wanted me to clean the back porch up, but it became much too frustrating because everything was something that we "might" use. i decided to move into the kitchen and donated what i could, and threw out what i couldn't. it felt so good to just get rid of the clutter, but at the same time it made me feel a little sad. we were literally just throwing hundreds of dollars spent on food and appliances out because we could no longer use or had no use for them. it made me think of all of the people around the world that have nothing, and how terrible it was that the garbage bag of food was so much fuller than the box we were donating. i think i want to go food shopping this week and buy some canned goods for some people in my community. working at the food pantry upstate, i saw the value of food first hand and how appreciative those receiving it were. i'm just so grateful that my family and friends have been blessed with everything we have. imagine if everyone in a neighborhood just donated a few cans or jars of food?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

don't hide your eyes, it's time.

yesterday i went to the city on a 743 am train to try and score tickets to the letterman show because incubus was playing. unfortunately, the producer didn't love the fact that we were there for brandon and not dave, and we didn't get the call. slowly throughout the day though, we realized that incubus was playing a live webcast from the letterman show which was taping at 9 pm, after the actual shows were taped. so now we had 9 hours to kill, without any guarantee that we were even going to get into the show. we ate breakfast, stalked blockheads until it opened at 1130, started drinking sangria, went to another bar, got lunch and beer, went to another bar with a bunch of irish people, assholes and flies, and suddenly it was 645. we walked back over to the letterman show and tried to coerce the intern into giving us tickets which we were unsuccessful at. we sorta started an illegal stand-by line, and were told to come back in an hour, so we went to this bar around the corner. bummed, but still determined, our friend called us telling us that this guy in front of him had two tickets! i literally left everything i owned in the bar which in retrospect probably wasn't the best idea, but i got the tickets! i started screaming when i went back into the bar and lisa and i got some free drink tokens for being so excited haha. the show was such a cool setting. we were in the mezzanine area, so we got an aerial view of everything, but we were still up front. it was so much better than being on the bottom level. this was probably the coolest setting i've ever seen a band in, and it made it so much better that it was incubus. they played a few new songs, but they also threw in songs like consequence. i could have done without promises promises, but i guess they had to play their new single. they also closed with love hurts which is musically one of my faves so i was super excited! persistence and a little bit of luck sometimes pays off :) check out that video of the taping here:

Friday, July 8, 2011

cats & dawgz.

don't take ya best friends for granted.