Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Day one of the fast is coming to a close. I am cranky and moody and want my whole wheat angel hair with sauce more than anything in this world. But, the thought of me even being able to desire something like that makes this process worth every "fuck" I utter and every KFC commercial I wince at on tv. I have the option to do this; Darfurians do not. Tomorrow is going to be the hardest, especially working at the food pantry, but I am hoping that I will have the strength to fight through another day.

but this isn't about me.

Darfurian refugees need our help. If this fast can bring anything, it will make people more alert of the crisis at hand and more willing to express a voice. Nothing can be done alone, but together change can be possible. Listen and learn about those that do not know when their next meal will come, that are raped and murdered while gathering fire wood, that have to watch their families be torn apart and their loved ones fall to the blade of a machete. Think about the people other than you. This 3 day fast will not stop the war, but it will allow me to understand and learn more than I did the day before.

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