Monday, February 21, 2011


i went upstate with my main squeeze of orange juice saturday night so that he could go snowboarding and so that i could...not go snowboarding. if any of you know my friends kristen, alyssa or lisa, please ask them about the time we went skiing at hunter mountain. i certainly have not forgotten anything about the trip, or the fact that i only made it down the bunny hill one out of seventy-five times.

anyway. i went to woodstock which was the obvious logical choice for me to make. since it's only 35 minutes away from hunter it was really a win-win. i spent way too much money on very necessary purchases like: postcards, posters, tea (three times), soup and a greatful dead vinyl. i'm making it a point to try to get at least one vinyl whenever i'm there because they're usually scratched and warped and sound amazing (i think). i love the people who own the shops there, the townies who roam, the women protesting the war and of course the music playing everywhere, whether it be from radio woodstock, vinyls in stores, or the drugged out hippie playing his guitar on the corner. everything seems more relaxed. it also helped that the sun was shining bright.

there's something about driving on the open road that gets me. especially upstate. i hated upstate when i was forced to live there, and now all i want to do is go back. it honestly has some of the most beautiful sunsets i've ever seen, and being able to sit in silence and stare while feeling completely secure and fulfilled is euphoric for me. and if i'm going to use any word to describe how i felt yesterday, it would be that one. and if there was a playlist that was going on in my mind to go along with yesterday, it would be this one:

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