Monday, October 24, 2011

autumn fallin' from trees

the end of october always leaves me in a blur. wasn't it just august? i literally have no time to do anything spontaneous and i hate that. i feel like everything is always planned. not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but i miss waking up and not knowing what might occur during the day. i also am trying very, very hard to not leave all of my work for the last minute but that is proving to be unsuccessful. i get so caught up in my internship work that all i want to do is study that, and then i forget that i also am taking 4 classes. life seems to be on hyper speed, but i guess that's better than sitting around.

yesterday i was talking about how i want to just go to JFK and fly anywhere that'll take me. i'm not going to be picky. i'll even take montana. i bet montana is beautiful, and how many of you can say that you've been there?

farewell lovers. it's time to continue writing a paper on african american slaves and the jim crow era. i'm sure it's not shocking to anyone that no one is pulling my teeth to get me to write this. then my break of the day: bayville scream park! does anyone think pirate zombies will have chainsaws? lets hope not.

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