Wednesday, October 19, 2011

in case i ever feel like i never do anything...part dos.

so day 2 of our trip was just as fabulous.

8:30 am: alarms. is this real or am i dreaming?
8:40 am: kaela lets me know i'm not dreaming. into the shower.
9 am: champagne headache leads to a hunt for a living social instant deal.
9:05 am: order 20 dollars worth of food for 12 dollars at the hollywood corner restaurant.
9:10 am: get dressed/pack while listening to big girl you are beautiful and incubus on repeat.
10 am: checkout with creepstat man. we don't care that you're going to name your daughter makaela. that's not my name.
10:15-11:30 am: stuff our faces with chicken chorizo, eggs, coffee and avocado. home fries with cheese apparently is a new concept to southern california.
12 pm: get on sunset blvd. and hunt down our tattoo shop. observation, californians love to eat with their pups.
12:15 pm: tell the tattoo guys what we want, they sketch it up. we get the price down.
12:30 pm: shawn, our artist, puts the stencil on my arm and i immediately get it taken off. not for me.
12:31 pm: shawn puts it on my upper hip and i instantly jumped on the bench to get it.
12:40 pm: i had "yolo" on my side in awesome font.
12:45-1 pm: kaela making her decision of body parts.
1 pm: tattoo on the arm!!!
1:10 pm: shawn refused to let us tip him. check out: if you want an awesome tattoo and experience.
1:15 pm: after being advised that we would probably die if we tried to check out the hollywood sign, we figured it would be a good idea to go.
1:20-2:30 pm: drove super slow around the windiest streets in the world. saw the most amazing views of the hollywood hills and the sign. trespassed on someone's property to get some photos. nbd.
3 pm: arrived at "the love shack" in venice beach. large assortment of bean bags. couldn't fit it in my bag.
3:15 pm: realized what brandon's gf meant when she said we should check out abbot kinney.
3:30 pm-6 pm: strolled around abbot kinney and found the most amazing vintage shops and stores. could have spent all day there. very trendy, but very pup-friendly. every store in venice had either a dog or a water dish in it. we met melissa, who runs luxury jones !!! she told us how much she loved our style, and we got into the topic of free people, leading us to discover she works for luxury jones. a pair of LJ boots were seen in the free people catalogs and here! awesome shoes and such a sweetheart.
6:15 pm: made our way to the venice boardwalk but of course got lost. parking is ridiculous around here!
6:30 pm: finally parked and walked almost the entire venice boardwalk. realized it was 7:30 and we still had to eat, get gas, drop the car off and get through security by 9:30. eek.
7 pm: got gas and spotted: DEL TACO. yes! the moment i'd been waiting for.
7:15 pm: changed outside of in-n-out. might have mooned a woman in a car. kaela put on her hobo-wear.
7:30 pm: got to in-n-out. i ate my del taco quietly while kaela ordered $24 dollars worth of food and paraphernalia from in-n-out. 5 spreads please. 5?! sir, just give me the spread.
8:15 pm: realized it was 8:15 and our flight was in an hour. shit.
8:35 pm: dropped the car off and ran to the shuttle. everyone thought we were on something but we weren't. just happy to be alive. in california. rushing for a plane.
8:45 pm: ran through security dropping things and looking really cute.
9:25 pm: get to the gate and realize that our plane is actually delayed. awesome life.
9:50 pm: no one will switch seats with us so we have to sit alone. "i'm gonna drool all over this guy."
6 am: arrived back in NY :(
7 am: got to john's.
9 am: woke up.
10:37 am: on a train to manhattan.


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