Wednesday, February 29, 2012

spring ahead

today is rainy and cold but tomorrow is march. march means spring! here's a little mix to get us all in the mood :)

these are just previews. if you sign up for free at you can listen and follow me! (Congested_Clarity)

half full.

lately, i've been trying to have a glass half full mentality. difficult to do when your iphone get's stolen, but i've had it nonetheless. vanessa was kind enough to give me her old phone so i'm finally back in business. the positives of this are that my dad spent countless hours fighting with AT&T when i couldn't, i've learned how to survive for over a week without a phone, i've had a lot more time to think and i now get to put really fun names for people in my phone. examples: krusty, matthew "she gon" shapiro & botchworth. these are things i didn't do before. i've been given a second chance. and also, i'm getting icloud. thank you babe.


Monday, February 27, 2012

dance & dance & dance & dance & dance & dance

this makes me want to dance sooo much. perfect pick me up for a rainy day or an expression of a beautiful one. like today.
go appreciate the things around you xx.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

it's getting to me..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

whole lotta love

so my boyfriend is the cutest. valentines day is one of those days that people put crazy expectations up and often get let down, or apply so much pressure. after several years of terrible valentines days, i have been not really thinking about it and that's been working out well for me. so this year my boyfriend had a big surprise that he was super excited about but he wouldn't tell me. turns out he got me a hot stone massageeee. it was AMAZING to just relax.

he's a little punk boy and he made me this mix cd that was the best. zeppelin, andrew w.k & the ramones? loves it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

oh my god this hurts like hell. i had that dream again where i was lost for good in outer space.

so my birthday was effin amaze balls. my friend jesse plays drums in jukebox the ghost (check em out..they're great!) and so i got to see them open for jacks mannequin. it's really been a life goal of mine to meet andrew, and my 17 year old self was jumping for joy when he barged into their dressing room. he will always hold a special place in my heart, and his songs hold A LOT of memories for me. watching the show from the steps on the stage, since that's basically all you got at irving, with people i love was more than i could ever ask for! 24 years young :)
ps i love kerry darconte<3

Thursday, February 9, 2012

birthday sex

it's my birthdayyyy! today i get to go to the UN for some meetings which isn't the worst thing in the world (except for the express train where everyone looks like they want to hurt me). i decided to ask the woman who was putting her makeup on with her knitting needles to let me sit next to her. she wasn't that pleased but i suppose that makes sense. today's mission includes finding a birthday dress, eating pasta and wine and seeing my long lost love andrew mcmahon at the jacks mannequin show thanks to kerry/jesse!! more updates to follow :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

who controls the past now controls the future.

so i felt this post was appropes to have a "rage" title. idk why, i just felt like doing it. for some reason, studding these bad boys was reallllllly hard yesterday, and when i finished up this morning it literally took me 5 min. maybe that means my illness is leaving my body! that would be super fun. today we taped up a mirror that i broke last week. ironically, the mirror broke and then my body broke out in a horrible rash. maybe i unleashed some sort of demon. anyway none of this has to do with the bamf toms i just studded. i didn't want to go too overboard, because i do wear these often, but i think they turned out pretty dang sweet!

Friday, February 3, 2012

i really must...

get a pair of these Darian bad boys soon. how cute with a black sheer button up and a pair of cut offs?! i keep seeing them in my dreams...a sure sign that they must be mine soon :) and who doesn't love j. campbell?

find 'em here: $165

Thursday, February 2, 2012

summa please.

i don't know if i'm channeling my inner teenage angst lately or just listening to too much of the black keys, but i've def been trying to look like a female kurt. i sometimes wish i was this age in the early 90s. regardless, i cannot wait until the summer; so i can wear this; everyday.
i just found this list of 100 goals that i made my senior year of high school, and number 68 was to own a pair of red cons. i'm really ambitious.

left ta right:

these sunnies you can't get in amuuurica but there are similar ones here: RAYBAN: $145
UNIF: $69
this girl makes awesome shorts; for really creative people though, try and make some yourself! crazy cheap studs can be found here!