Wednesday, January 30, 2013

strength & positivity.

i don't talk about super personal things on this. it's my blog, i can really write whatever i want, but there's certain things i like to keep private. however. recently i've been talking to more and more of my friends breaking up with exes and getting broken up with, living in pits of non-commitment or hooking up with random guys to kill the pain of loneliness, and it just made me start thinking about it all. first thing, you have to love yourself and be confident before you can successfully be with someone else. living in a relationship where you're there solely to be cared for is not healthy for you or your partner. after being in a long term relationship where i felt that i needed to stay because i needed someone to take care of me, i realized that this is not the way it should be. luckily he made the decision i had desperately wanted but wasn't strong enough to do myself. i wasn't comfortable enough to be on my own. now, i'm strong, independent and happy with myself only because of what i am doing. i don't think this is something i could have realized if i was still in a relationship. i see this with my friends as well. they are all making decisions based on creating a positive change in their own lives, whether by their own choices or the choices of another. this isn't to knock the relationships they had. they were important and extremely real. i hate seeing my friends, and myself included, living in this idea that we need the fairy tale and that we will never find true love. people need that closeness, the intimacy, the love, but we don't need to be with someone just to be with someone. we are beautiful and strong by ourselves. if he only wants sex, and you want something more...don't do it. if he was screwing you, ditched you, and is now back...he just needs something to screw. if he's not making you a priority, he's not worth your time. stop being so concerned with who you're going to end up with and more about what you're going to do today. when you're living your life, laughing, and being comfortable in your own skin you will get the person that deserves your time, or you will be strong in your own life, living for what you believe in. trust me on this one.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

kristen f*****g felicione.


my soulmate is home from saving the world.
now the other one just needs to come back. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

i hope it's just a phase.

and i 
i don't really care about
anybody else when i haven't got my own life figured out.
cause when you're young and bored and 24
and don't know who you are no more. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

laughter cures all.

sometimes you just need to laugh with your best friends to make everything better. i got dinner with one of my bests tonight and as always, he made me choke on my food and i was crying at the table (in the best way possible). since we know basically everything about each other and hold nothing back, i think the surrounding tables either figured we were related or were so far gone into our relationship that rules no longer applied. i'm proud to say that majority of my best friends from high school have remained my really good friends. not too many people can say that, so i'm extremely fortunate. thanks for making it better, bud.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

may angels lead you in

death is a really difficult thing. i've never lost anyone really close with me until now, and as much as you think you can prepare yourself you never really can. floods of memories come back to provide comfort, but also are difficult. she was an amazing woman. she always told the best jokes, the rudest jokes, and made the best faces. once someone passes, everyone always talks about how amazing they were, and talks about all of their great attributes. luckily, we told her constantly throughout her life. she knew how amazing she was, and that gives me the greatest comfort of all. rest in peace my angel.